I look outside my door and what do I see?

I look inside my soul and what do I see?

What I see reflects who I am!

What I see mirrors what you see in me.

Does the image live up to who I want to be?


Frugal living is like a magnifying glass looking at the world differently. We are looking deep to see the beauty around us and within us.   This is the perfect time to revitalize or perhaps recycle what already exists.  We have this opportunity to remold the old and allow the new to intertwine and transform into something beautiful.

This technique works not only for “things” that make up your world, but also the “inner” you.  Sometimes they are both so much a part of you that one opens up and the other explodes.  Let’s take a look at your house for example.  I think in order for this recycling process to work, you have to realize that you have many things (ideas) that can be reused or made into something totally different to find who you are now or to become who you want to be.

Okay, this sounds somewhat confusing, but making changes and getting rid of things can oftentimes be a challenge.   I think the best thing to do is to start out on a small scale.  We should not only start it one room at a time, but go evener smaller and jump in one closet at a time. Once this is done, we can work our way through the house.   The first closet we tackle consists of clothes, things you have stored, and blankets.  Go through everything one at a time and see if it is something that you wear, need, or even want. (Remember giving away or getting rid of things opens the opportunity for new things to come in.)  This also works for your thoughts.  Get rid of the old negative thinking or the thinking that does not serve you and allow the new positive thinking to emerge.

Perhaps instead of throwing it away, you can find a new use for it.  I found in my closet artificial flowers that I hadn’t used for awhile. I received beautiful clear canisters with candles on top for Christmas and didn’t know what to put in them.  These flowers, redone a little bit, were the perfect color for my living room and look great! I found the ideal centerpiece for my coffee table. I didn’t even have to go and purchase anything.  Sometimes what you are looking for is right there in front of you and you just need to take the time to look and rethink all the possibilities.   By the time you go through your whole house your imagination and trash will be overflowing. This feels amazing.

Many times we allow our lives to be cluttered.  Do we really don’t need all this clutter? Clutter can make you feel anxious and disorganized.  Once free from the outer clutter the inner clutter starts to fade.  When you are able to remold and organize your surroundings, then you can work on your inner clutter to match your outer calm.  Creativity will start to immerge and beauty will appear in places that you never thought imaginable.


I look outside my door and what do I see?

I look inside my soul and what do I see?

What I see reflects who I am!

What I see mirrors what you see in me.

Does the image live up to who I want to be?


What do you do to reflect what you want others to see?  How does living frugal help cleanse your soul and bring the image of who you want to be?

May your days be clutter free inside and out!


Challenge:  Find the time to revitalize something in your life and let me know how it goes!